We have collected more than 1500 positive and negative reviews on this Best Price 6-Inch Memory Foam Mattress. On the basis of these consumer reviews and our own opinion, we noted the most important pros, cons and overall rating of this mattress.

Price starts from $102 on Twin Best Price 6-Inch Memory Foam Mattress.

Positive Reviews

I must say that if you have this mattress in a tight place, and only easily accessible from one side, it is really perfect. When someone is sleeping on it, it is very stable, yet when changing the sheets it can be pulled away from the wall/eaves and pushed back because it is light weight.

The mattress is soft without being too soft. It’s the perfect balance of firm + a bit of give. For me having a bed that can take that extra weight is important to me and this one does the job so far. Its no spring mattress so dont expect to be moon-slamming but its nice and dense which really grounds the stroke.

The white removable cover is thin, lightweight, soft, smooth, surprisingly durable, and seems to be of decent quality.

The only smell I perceived coming out of my mattress was the smell of brand new mattress. My mattress is the envy of everyone in my house.

Negative Reviews

As for delivery. please be prepared to receive a huge, rolled up, semi-dirty piece of furniture since it is heavy and was probably dragged during delivery.

Overall Rating

In total, more than 3000 reviews on this Best Price 6-Inch Memory Foam Mattress from sites like Amazon, Cymax etc. This mattress have 4.5 out of 5 stars rating and more than 73% of buyers rated 5 stars.