We have collected more than 1000 positive and negative reviews on this Sleep Master Ultima Comfort Memory Foam 6 Inch Mattress. On the basis of these consumer reviews and our own opinion, we noted the most important pros, cons and overall rating of this mattress.

Price starts from $97 on Twin Sleep Master Ultima Comfort Memory Foam 6 Inch Mattress.

Positive Reviews

This mattress is soft enough while firm enough as to provide great comfort. It’s not so soft that you really sink into it, but it’s not so firm that you feel like you’re sleeping on board. Soft top half, feels like a pillow topper but with support underneath. Warm and cozy.

My husband likes firm; I require soft. I am pear shaped and a back and side sleeper, and a firm mattress arches my back and hurts my tailbone, hips, and lower back. I have to have something that lets my booty/hips sink. My husband has scoliosis and lots of back pain and needs support. He is also a belly sleeper and needs support for that as well. We are both very happy with our sleep experience.

It gives me the support I need, even without box springs. The foam gets a little warm in the summer, but that should be expected due to the thermal properties of the foam.

Mattress has a removable lining to it. The cover zips off so it can be washed.

All I know is that in the morning, my body didn’t hurt like it normally does. I actually felt well rested, which doesn’t usually happen.

Negative Reviews

I was really worried about there being a strong smell to it after reading other reviews but after a couple days the smell was gone. Now, I sleep better than I have in years.

After using this mattress for 6 months I like it alot but it does leave the body impression and it does not bounce back so now there are sagging places on the mattress and you can’t flip it.

Overall Rating

In total, more than 3000 reviews on this Sleep Master Ultima Comfort Memory Foam 6 Inch Mattress from sites like Amazon, Cymax etc. This mattress have 4.5 out of 5 stars rating and more than 72% of buyers rated 5 stars.